
Module: Blog post #2

What is digital identity?

In this week module I learned that digital identity is the way we present ourselves online, which includes our usernames, profiles, and the digital footprints we leave behind. It includes everything, including our email addresses, social media profiles, and online interactions and behaviour. Our digital identities have the power to influence both our personal and professional life and how others see us.

How do you present yourself on social media platforms for personal use? What kind of content do you share, and how do you manage your privacy?

I use social media platforms such as X, Instagram, WhatsApp, Facebook, etc,. I don’t post many things regularly on the social media platforms but once in a while i do share some interesting posts or photo or video or text on these social media platforms. I use these social media platforms for a variety of things. For example, I use X for news related to anime(spoilers, manga) and Instagram for friend messaging and reels. Because protecting my privacy is of the utmost importance to me, everyone I am connected to on social media platforms is either a friend or someone I know. My social media accounts on all of the platforms are private and protected.

( image by David Nield)

What steps do you take to maintain a professional image online?

First, all of my accounts on social media platforms are private and protected. So, if i am posting an image online then it can only reach to people who are connected to me on those social media platforms i.e By adjusting privacy settings, I control who can see my posts and personal information. Secondly, i did create 1 professional account on X and YouTube , 2 -3 years ago where i used to post videos of my video games/ mobile games but i did not find that much interesting so i deleted those account, Even though those account were public , I did not share any information which can identify my true identity. Overall , I would say that in order to maintain a professional image online, I would regularly review my online presence to ensure that all publicly available information reflects positively on me. This means I can search my name on Google to check what information is accessible and I can take further steps to remove or update outdated or unprofessional content.

How do personal versus professional approaches to digital identity affect social media use?

Personal and professional approaches to digital identity significantly influence how individuals engage with social media. A personal digital identity often involves a private profile with restricted access, ensuring that only friends and family can view posts. Individuals may share less frequently and with a more relaxed tone, focusing on personal interests, hobbies, and daily activities. A professional digital identity usually requires a public profile to maximize reach and engagement with a larger audience. A professional account has to post regularly in order to keep the audience intact. Overall , I would say that professional accounts need to be carefully managed to maintain a positive and trustworthy online reputation, whereas personal ones allow greater freedom and privacy.


Nield, D. (2017). How To Make Your Social Media Accounts As Private As Possible. https://gizmodo.com.au/wpcontent/uploads/2017/04/03/bsbf4ad776457zxuvl4r.jpg

EDCI -338 : https://connectedlearningnetwork.opened.ca/category/july-10th-july-16th/.

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