What i learn this week?

Social media platforms play a critical role in the establishment and upkeep of Personal Learning Networks (PLNs), which support lifelong learning and career advancement. Developing awareness of PLNs involves recognizing their benefits, such as access to diverse perspectives and up-to-date information. It takes a firm grasp of privacy, ethics, and security to navigate digital settings. Privacy concerns affect trust and engagement levels, which has a significant effect on learning (Hotchin, 2024).

Research on Social Media and Learning Communities:

What topic did you research from the task above? What social media platform did you use, and what learning communities did you find? Be specific.

Since I enjoy playing cricket, which is a sport like baseball, the focus of my research was learning cricket. I used Facebook as my social media platform. I discovered several active Facebook groups dedicated to learning cricket. One such group is a local Victoria tournament page (VTCL – Victoria Tennis Cricket League) that organizes tennis cricket tournaments, providing opportunities to play cricket locally. Another valuable page is “How to Play Cricket,” which teaches cricket skills through videos and online sessions, making it easy for learners to grasp the game.

Building Your Personal Learning Network (PLN):

What social media platforms do you use or plan to use to build your personal learning network (PLN)? How do platforms like Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, Reddit, or Youtube help you connect with others and stay updated?

I am using social media platforms like LinkedIn, YouTube and X to build my PLN. As, I will be graduating this summer, I am creating my LinkedIn profile which will help the employers look at my profile and know me better, For X and YouTube, I will be using it for uploading gaming videos or some Anime related content.

Platforms like X, Facebook, Instagram, Youtube are like newspaper for me, most of the news I know I get it from these social media platforms, I also use these platforms as a source of entertainment. They also allow me to connect with my friends and family.

Setting Professional Goals and Engaging with the Community: 

How have you, or do you plan to, identify the right media platforms, set personal/professional goals, and engage with the community? Share your experiences or plans for sharing content and participating in discussions in your PLN.

I have identified LinkedIn, YouTube and X as primary platforms for professional growth. On LinkedIn, I will be creating my profile, adding skills, resume and experiences which will help enhance my profile, I will also be making connections based on what I like or what job I am interested in. On X and YouTube, I will be aiming to post regular videos, share some news, participate in discussions/polls.

Protecting Your Information and Ensuring Ethical Behaviour: 

How do you protect your information and ensure ethical behaviour in your PLN? Discuss any security measures you take to keep a safe and trustworthy digital environment.

For protecting my information, most of my accounts are password protected with 2- factor authorization, I ensure all of my online interactions are respectful and that I properly credit sources( if I am using others content). I also refrain from sharing sensitive personal information publicly.

Privacy Concerns and Online Participation: 

Do/How do privacy concerns affect your willingness to join online communities or share information?

Privacy concerns do influence my willingness to share information online, I am cautious about the information I post and prefer platforms with robust privacy settings. This approach allows me to participate in online communities while minimizing potential risks.


  1. Hotchin, J. (2024, July 17-23). EDCI 338 module, University of Victoria.
  2. image address: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/6/69/Muralitharan_bowling_to_Adam_Gilchrist.jpg/499px-Muralitharan_bowling_to_Adam_Gilchrist.jpg